Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Golf class

I've been taking a golf class on Tuesday nights. Last night was our last night of practice. I had a really good teacher and I feel more confident with my swing. The first night he corrected my stance. The second class he corrected my hips. The third night he corrected my grip. The fourth night he get the picture, 6 weeks of lessons and we corrected something every time. Now we just need to get out and see if has helped me with the real game.


Brenny said...

How fun! You'll be out swinging everyone in no time. ARe you guys signing up at the country club this year?

curt and cathy said...

We'll probably sign up for the city course.

LindsC said...

That sounds like fun. Are the classes through the college or golf course? I definatly need some help myself.