Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag you're it...

I have been tagged... 7 Random things about me...

1. I don't need to have tv or noise when I'm in the house by myself.

2. I love to eat home grown tomatoes on bread with mayo.

3. I'm always working on a lesson for seminary or Sunday school.

4. I exercise every morning that I can, and I miss it when I don't.

5. I love it when the electricity goes out.

6. Fall is my favorite time of year. What happened to Indian Summer?

7. I love to be organized, but I'm not very often, so I at least like to appear organized.


Brenny said...

I love fresh tomato and mayo sandwiches, too! Great list.

Trish said...

I don't need (or like) :o) noise when I'm home alone either.