Monday, June 9, 2008

Loaves & Fishes

We have a place in Rock Springs called the Loaves & Fishes. It's a place where anyone can come and get lunch during the week. It doesn't cost anything and all the food is donated. A little lady named Francis runs it and it's in the basement of the Catholic Church. Our ward goes over for one week during the Summer. I went over today and helped cook. We had pizza, sandwiches and salad. There were lots of people from Florida and Arizona who were up here. They just seemed very grateful to get a meal. They also have clothes that people can take what they need.
Two little kids got some coats, because we have had such a cold spring. It was a neat opportunity to help out a little. Sister Francis is what we call her and she is one of those angels to all.


LindsC said...

Oh that is really neat! I just think people that come up with these great ideas and ambition to help people are exceptional!

Brenny said...

That is very cool. What a great thing to have in your community.