Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pet Rabbit

Just four days after our dog Casper died, we found rabbit tracks all over our back yard. I knew we had a rabbit under the shed but how did it know the dog had died. Curt looked around in the back yard and this is what he found. I'm sorry for all you Easter bunny hopefuls but he died trying to go through a little hole in the chain link fence.
Back view

front view...

One dead frozen rabbit...crazy rabbit...we lost two pets in one week.


Ruth said...

When I started reading I thought..."oh how cute, there is a pet rabbit to kind of take Casper's place"... but then I kept reading and AHHHH he was dead... HOW SAD!!!!

LindsC said...

Poor rabbit!!!! But As sad as it is I couldn't help but giggle a little because I don't think I've ever seen something like that or even thought it was possible.