Monday, November 17, 2008

Elk Hunting

The hunters had a beautiful view of the Tetons this weekend. Curt, Darren, Trevor, and Steve went hunting this weekend.

This picture is a classic because it shows the hunting attire. Old blue coat, orange vest and green stormy Norman hat.

Then there's the grizzly. It has been seen by everyone that has gone up to hunt. Curt has seen it now three times.

The elk were safe this weekend.


Brenny said...

Beautiful pictures of the Tetons! As nervous as it makes me, I do think it is cool that they get to see the bear. Do they guys have enough pepper spray? :)

LindsC said...

Looks like the tetons were beautiful this weekend! The bear looks neat in the pics but in person I'm sure is a different story!

The Jackson Clan said...

O how fun. SO I love to hear from you. We finally got Rory home. Its about time. His homecomming talk is on the 30th if you were wondering. How is life. IT has been a while we need to get together some time soon.